Monday, February 1, 2010

What a weekend

As most of you know Daizee Haze and had our first match together as partners last night at CHIKARA’s season opener “A Touch of Class”. As I am sure you all were expecting we were victorious over the team of the Osirian Portal!!! I must admit it was very fun beating up those kids… I can’t wait to take out more frustrations and punishment along with my fellow brothers in the Bruderschaft.

After The big victory I decided to go out and celebrate, something I don’t do often…I went to a local restaurant and watched the Royal Rumble. I enjoyed the show overall…I thought Rey vs. Undertaker was very interesting and I would not mind seeing more. I LOVE LOVE LOVE seeing Serena on TV…she is such and interesting character and with Punk the sky is the limits…They are the most interesting thing on WWE by far.

This weekend marks the beginning of February with that brings a new workout routine!! YIPPY!!! I should be getting it later today..I can’t wait..I hope I still have pull-ups. Did I mention I can do 3 on my own now in a row! Yeah I’m bragging!

Friday and Saturday ROH returns to The Arena with more TV tapings! If you have not made it down to be part of the live crowd you should…It is something special. Not to mention you can see live the return of the greatest tag team in wrestling the “Kings of Wrestling”. What will stop us in 2010??? Nothing! Man, that is something I would not miss!

Keep Haiti in you thoughts and prayers!'

Hope to see you soon,



  1. Yeah I agree Punk is the man. I just hope they don't make a joke out of him with that angle he's in. As for Serena. well.. I don't know how well she'll do as it seems WWE is more for pushing the models who don't question the business than real honest to god professionals. It stinks I know. (instead of sucks just say stinks)

  2. I think they will both do well..we have to have faith that the brightest stars will shine even given WWE's track record. I still believe!!

  3. DeathHaze! Nice tag team name right?

  4. Ha ha Killah i smell a new shirt lol!


  5. I have so many ideas for shirts it is not even funny...Was also thinking of doing a reprint of the old Death Rey shirts...Anyone interested in that?

  6. Emphatic YES! Vintage Del Rey is always in style.
