Did you make this?
Can you send me it in a larger file?
This week has been a learning one.
I am super proud of myself I have been doing much more on the computer than I EVER have. I learned how to download music and put it on my IPOD!!! This is a huge step for me and I am so excited…Not only do I feel proud and accomplished I have fun new music for the gym. The other day during cardio I even stopped watching the TV and listened to my music. My new favorite song is Be Italian by Fergie from Nine it is AWESOME. Other songs I really enjoy working out to are Tic ToK by Ke$ha, Evacuate the Dance floor by Cascada, One Time by Justin Beiber (I know I know) and 9 to 5 by Dolly Parton! i wan to go to the gym now so I can hear them..Why don’t I just play them as I type??? Saved by the bell is on!!!!
This week also saw me working on some sewing projects…for those of you who didn’t know I am an armature sewer. You maybe have seen some of my work in the wrestling ring...
Yeah that's right I make most of my own gear. No, I will not make any for you! Like I said I am just an armature…
This was one of my first pieces!
This picture actually serves double duty in this blog…Last month I was featured in a very cool article for a VERY interesting English Magazine Filament “The Thinking Women's Crumpet”. This picture was featured on a full page and my lame you know what didn’t tell them to credit the source :(. So big props to Kelly Kyle the man the myth.. You may not be as coordinated as Steve the Turtle Weiner but you take amazing pictures!
Thank You!
So if you follow me on Twitter you will have known I already broke one of my New Years resolutions :( I knowingly did it too…I was on the phone with a customer service representative and I had no other words for the situation…Let me explain and if you could come up with an alternative I would love to here it.
OK, So I was the lucky/fortunate recipient of an item off my wish list, an awesome pair of wrestling shoes that I desperately needed. They came and were beautiful but were a little to small..this was very strange because every pair of wrestling shoes I have ever owned were the same size. Granted these were the nicest pair I have ever had but that should not effect the size right??? Anyways I so desperately wanted them to fit..I walked around the house in them for a week hoping they would stretch but they did not. I called the company and asked if I could exchange them and they told me they only do refunds…after explaining this was a gift they assured me If I sent them back with a note they would send me a gift certificate so I could get the right size. I did this and waited..and waited.. and waited..and called.. and was told to wait some more. So I waited..and waited..and waited.. and called again and was now told that they credited the purchaser back. I could not say anything else but “that sucks”! I actually thought about it for a good 30 seconds too and nothing else was fitting.
* A little side note to whoever send the gift.. Thank you it was not returned because I was a jerk and did not like or appreciate it, it was the incompetence of Fogdog*
If anyone has any tips or better phrases I really wish to eliminate the above mentioned from my vocabulary so please share.
My other resolutions are going well, I am starting a new wrestling project that has me excited and interested. I would also consider it a semi hobby..I’m still searching.
I have been keeping in better contact with the people I love, still needs work but I am better and my Faith is growing stronger everyday. I am pretty proud of the way 2010 has started and can’t wait to see what the rest of the year holds. Saturday as if you didn’t know Is Jersey All Pro in Rahway..Back by popular demand…
Not available online (yet). Will have a limited amount in Rahway!
Sunday I will be in Annapolis, Maryland @ the Boy’s and Girl’s club for Adrenaline Championship Wrestling and will also have the DVD’s available.
Hope to see you this weekend!
Last night I was deep in sleep having a wonderful dream that I got a ton of stuff off my wishlist. This was a nice change of pace in the dream world because recently I have been having some WILD dreams.
My mom thinks it’s because I eat mushrooms to late at night…No not magic mushrooms just the plain, old, delicious grocery store kind!
If your interested in keeping me smiling click the picture and go nuts!
**** Sometimes things are so far away they are not as present on your mind as they should be.
I woke up this morning really had this dream and blogged about it.
While at the gym I though what would really put a smile on my face would be if everyone who could help would help with the tragedy in Haiti. So do all you can and keep the friends, family and citizens effected in your prayers.
Not to much with me since we last talked!
I did this past weekend have a Wrestletastic time…What made it so good??? I won! Not only my match VS. one half of the Shimmer tag champions but I retained my JAPW Women's belt! Yes I will go on to defend another day…another day quite soon.
January 23rd to be exact! For anyone interested (and you should all be interested) It is the 12th anniversary of JAWP! The card looks great, not only am I defending my championship but every belt in the company is being defended along with the CZW heavyweight championship. As if that is not cool enough also on the show is Masato Tanaka vs Homicide!! Wow now that is a show I would not miss!
I do want to go back to the fact that I beat a NINJA!!! Yeah, that must make me one of the coolest people ever or at least inline for a shot at her title. Who wouldn't want to see Kong and me as SHIMMER tag champions?
Before the JAPW show I found this AMAZING Dominican restaurant and although I had already eaten and just enjoyed a coffee I tasted and liked!
Here are a few pictures for you to drool over….
Oh!! let me tell you about the gift that keeps giving!!!! I received the new Stila cosmetics case and player and it is the COOLES thing ever! I first saw it on Rachel Rey..I know some of you are confused because I told you all that I now prefer Wendy William at 10 but Wendy has been on break so I had to go back to Rachel…Anyways back to the real story not only does this case hold all my cosmetics but it plays music!!!! My Ipod and MP3 player both work on it and the speakers are so clear! It is amazing..I can’t wait to take it out and show it off!
While sort of on the topic of my early morning TV schedule.. I have Regis and Kelly and they have Tim Gunn on today because yes that's right Project Runway is back!!! This Thursday!!!I can’t wait!
This past week I had some free time and I got into Jersey Shore!! WOW what a show! I think I would fit in well with them..I'm half Italian. Really what sold me was GTL!! Not so sure I would T everyday but G and L I am all over.
I have not much more to update you..I had a great story for you accompanied by a picture but I can not find the cable for my phone to hook up to the computer so you loose!! I will continue the search though.
Hope everyone is well,
What a year… I can’t believe it is over!
Looking back on the year it seems to have been on fast forward…I wish I had a better memory because with the time passing so fast I have trouble keeping straight all of what happened in 09.
I would love to do a “My year in review” blog but I know I will forget stuff and a lot of great things have happened I could not possible list them all. I do know heading into 2010 I am happy and healthy and so is my family so I really could not ask for anything else.
I was able to go home for Christmas and visit with my family and meet my new niece Ava Lynn..she is gorgeous! Such a good baby too, my sister informed me that was just a front but I love her the same no matter how she acts. I tried to get some good pictures of my 2 year old nephew too but he was not putting on a front..he was having none of it! I can’t be mad though because I too do not like to be disturbed while watching TV.
I managed to get a good one a few days later while tort..I mean loving his pup Bitsy.
Man I love those kids!!!! ( I added some more family pictures to the bottom of the main page too incase you are interested)
Christmas day I got to meet another addition to the family my new cousin Ashlyn! She too is gorgeous..sorry no pictures I was pretty focused on the food and Cranium. I discovered her parents are master board gamers and if you do not like loosing don’t play with them. I didn’t mind loosing as long as I got to do all the Humdingers.
My mom really out did herself Christmas day, she cooked some of the best food I have ever had! She made a prune cake that I renamed a sugar plum cake (sounds more delicious) that called my name for the rest of the trip. I am pretty sure I had a piece everyday I was home..YUM! Thinking back about the food we ate like a good old Italian family..I am so proud..and 10lbs heavier.
Getting back into the swing of things for New Years was not as tough as I though it would be. While home I kept my gym schedule the same so once my eating got back on track I felt pretty normal. I am curious how wrestling training will go this week since I have not been in a ring in about three weeks :( Keep your fingers crossed for me..If I did not have cool new shoes to show off I would consider skipping it. No no no bad attitude..If I did not have a big title defense coming up on the 9th I would skip training…much better!
I’m trying a positive thinking thing..not for the new year just so I can be on the happy bus with Lanny Poffo and Colt Cabana.
I did make a few new years resolution type things though. Want to hear what they are???? Yeah I thought so….
First I want to find my passion again for wrestling. Not that I completely lost it but I think everyone goes through times when they are just down and I am feeling a bit like that so I want to fix it! I know I love what I do and I am lucky to be doing it and paying my bills but I think I lost a little drive. This coming year I want to take my career to the next level ( yes as some of you would say selling out) and I know I'll need more passion for that so I resolve to get it!
Find a hobby.
Strengthen my faith.
Stay in better contact with family and friends.
and last but not least try not to use the work sucks in my vocabulary anymore…do you know what that implies when you say it????
This has been a pretty lengthy blog, I hope it makes up for my month out of touch.
Talk to you soon! Hope to see you even sooner (Check out my updated schedule)
Here’s a few more pictures for your enjoyment of the cutest puppy ever!!!!